Each Month We Feature an Artist That Inspire Us.
This month its Venelina Miteva | Sofia, Bulgaria
Instagram: fourplus | Facebook: fourplus | Behance: fourplus | Dribble: fourplus
Visual Identity & Motion Graphics
Five Questions
1. If you could meet any artist (past/present) who would it be? And why?
If we could meet someone, we’d like to meet DAIM. He’s always caught our eye with his ways of defying gravity and curving the space. His work is a great combination of street art and graphic elements and always stands out. We bet he’s someone we can learn a lot from, not only about graffiti and art, but about inspiration as well.
2. Did your childhood environment have any influence on your creative?
Of course, it did. Everything had, has and will have influence on everything we do. And childhood is probably the most susceptible period in our lives. We’ve grown up in times and a country when staying outdoors playing with your friends was the most common thing. This left us loving the fresh air, freedom and unlimited and careless possibilities every day had to offer. And naturally made us strive for this easiness and lightness in everything else we do afterwards.
3. Do you have any tips or inspiring words for others?
Always look around for inspiration. It’s so easy to get your hands on something beautiful – around you, on the web, in the book lying on your desk. It’s there, you just have to look for it.
4. What does “being creative” mean to you?
“Being creative” is very subjective. Each person has an interpretation of their own and a different read on the topic. To us being creative in our work as a studio means to outdo ourselves in every task and project. Try to be better every time you do something – not only when it comes to work, but every time you get a chance.
5. On a lighter note what Muppet character best fit your personality? And why?
The Muppets weren’t really a thing here, so we can’t name too many of them (except for maybe Kermit the Frog). If we can go for anyone else, we’d chose Samurai Jack – he’s determined, focused, patient, caring and driven by his love for family, friends and the good. He’s also very skillful and adaptable. What more can you possibly want from an animation character ☺️?